back to school bus tour
2022 Tour Locations:
7/20-7/21: Soho, NYC
7/23-7/24: Boston, MA
7/27-7/28: Philadelphia, PA
8/1-8/2: Baltimore, MA
Coordination: Shipt
Agency: EventLink
store to door tour
2019 Tour Locations:
8/21-9/2 - A Taste of Colorado
9/7-9/8 - San Diego Padres
9/15-9/16 - GroceryShop
9/21-9/22 - Pecan Street Festival
10/11-10/13 - Fall for Greenville
Coordination: Shipt
Agency: Meritage Entertainment
the world games
mobile marketing unit
Clients: Shipt & The World Games
Coordination: Bruno Event Group
Agency: Markstein
food network south beach food & wine festival
Coordination: Shipt
Agency: AgencyEA
Videographer: Matthew McNair